20/01/10 09:47 Filed in:
CCAPknirkEGG3 on
blogspot. There is some really weird stuff going on here......
Tags: EGG3 CCAPknirk
20/08/09 14:46 Filed in:
CCAPknirkButcher Red review in Vital Weekly:
From the norwegian label CCAP KNIRK comes this
release by the british-norwegian trio EGG3. Vidar Schanche wrote all the compositions and plays guitar. Simon Kaylor plays baritone sax, Stale Birkeland drums. As a member of the Leeds_based music collective LIMA, Schanche got an idea for a trio that he now realized with Egg3. It is a powertrio with an explosive mixture of jazz and rock that has similarities with bands like Mr.Bungle, Fantomas, Naked City, a.o..
All three players participate and engage on the same high energy level. In the opening title track "Butcher Red" however they seem not really awake, as the piece moves forward in a plumb and sluggish way. But with the second piece "Revenge of the Chicken" they pick up speed and the music becomes more aggressive and powerful. But this speed metal jazz is only one face of the trio. In "Easteregg" they show themselves from their lyrical and friendly side with what sounds almost as an traditional folkdance. A very surprising combination. And it works. Another contrast is reached with the closing piece "The Chickens are not what they seem", a short but superfluous Tom Waits-like ballad. Egg3 do a well crafted job with some very convincing tunes ("Dr Bucket") and an original concept. (DM)Tags: EGG3 Butcher Red Vital Weekly
20/05/09 20:56 Filed in:
CCAPknirkThe new CCAP sublabel CCAPknirk is now up and running. The first release is «Butcher Red» by EGG3 (CCAPknirk86)
The spirit of Vince Price visited Egg3 in the dark of night and since that time, they've been experimenting... Debut album: Butcher Red is constantly thrilling, always unexpected and perfectly crafted, like a pleasurable nightmare spent in the worlds of David Lynch, Alice Cooper and Ornette Coleman. Egg3 are a trio of jazz musicians destroyed by rock and horror movies, only to be reanimated as a prog-impro band with darkly delicious stories to tell. The line up; Baritone Saxophone, guitar and drums creates a sound similar to the band Morphine mixed with Mr Bungle, Fantomas and Danny Elfman.
The album is available as digital download through
and other fine online stores
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